Tio Antonio: Changing Lives with Coffee & Hammocks

After realizing the lack of opportunities in the country for individuals with disabilities, Tio Antonio (“Uncle Tony”) created Cafe de las Sonrisas, along with a Hammock shop, both which only employ individuals with disabilities.

We met him on our second day in Granada and were immediately inspired by both his vision and words. He said to us, “I want you to enjoy Nicaragua, but also really SEE Nicaragua,” meaning, get to know the history and culture of the country and look at it from more than just a tourist’s point of view. He shared many words of wisdom with us during our brief visit, but what stuck with us the most was, “Your camera is your power.”


“Your camera is your power.”

~ Tio Antonio

Cafe De Las Sonrisas (“Smiles Coffee”) was the very first cafe in Latin America, and fourth in the world, that is staffed entirely by people with hearing disabilities.


The entire cafe is sign language friendly, with a pictogram menu and a wall displaying how to sign the alphabet along with common words and phrases.


The cafe also had bicycle-powered blenders, allowing guests to blend their own smoothies!

The Hammock Shop

Right next door to the cafe is a hammock shop and a room with workers creating hammocks. The hammock shop is also only employed by individuals with disabilities.


These hammocks are sought after by individuals from all over the world, with some requesting specific colours and/or patterns.

A colourful hammock being made by a young man who is legally blind.

A colourful hammock being made by a young man who is legally blind.


Never Ending Hammock

A hammock created by recycled plastic bags, in order to fight for a cleaner and greener Granada, Nicaragua. Anyone can bring plastic bags and help weave the hammock. The Never Ending Hammock will not stop being made until the streets of Granada are clean.


Visit http://tioantonio.org/ to learn more about Tio Antonio and his incredible work.